
Ass. Wr. Wb.


This is my first blog to be launched. I'm Najmi Zahir Handalan. I'm from one of the greatest high school in West Borneo. I was born on 16th Sept 1997. I have two younger brothers, Ahmad Zaky Handalan and Muhammad Rafi Handalan. They're still in the second grade of Junior High and Elementary School.

My Parents are Cek Putera Handalan, ST., MT. and Drg. Yusra Maulisa. They're really a kind parents and I can share things with them. They're friendly. We live on Podomoro Street no. 89. My mom is a dentist as I've told you before. She opens her clinic in our house and the older house on Prof. Dr. Hamka Street no. 38 from 14.30 to 18.00. Then, she opens the clinic in our house that we are living from 18.30 to 21.00.

I'm really loving it. I usually deal with my hobby in the weekend or some free track. I really love to play football and footsal. Even I play its computer game. Then, I really love movies. One of my favourite is Man of Steel. I'm really dying of waiting for almost 5 months to watch on vacation. It's entirely cool.

Talking about music, I'm pretty sure if you're asking me about JKT48, I'm not entirely fanatic like those Wotas. I like the songs, honestly. Instead of that, I like some bands and musicians like P!ATD, Maher Zain, Linkin Park, Letto, Nidji, Netral and many more.

The K-Pop is actually one of my favourite but I'm not really interested by now. I can play some instruments, but I master the drums. Others like violin and guitar also piano and keyboard, I'm just trying it and not learning those deeply.

Here's my Bio

Name : Najmi Zahir Handalan
Birth  : September 16th, 1997
Current School : SMAN 1 Pontianak
Current Class : XI IPA 3
Current Adress : Podomoro Street No. 89
Blood Group : B
Parents :
- Cek Putera Handalan, ST. MT.
- Drg. Yusra Maulisa
Brothers :
- Ahmad Zaky Handalan (13 years old)
- Muhammad Rafi Handalan (7 years old)
Hobbies :
- Playing Football and Footsal
- Watching Movies, Formula One and MotoGP
- Playing Video Games
- Hearing Music
- Playing Drums

My Family

That's all that I can tell you. Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Arigatou Gozaimasu :)
